Warm November Weather in the Comox Valley is a Perfect Time to Take in the Ocean and Mountain Views from The Ridge
It was a beautiful sunny day when we arrived to tour The Ridge today. It was very warm for a November day in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island, a mild 14 degrees Celsius (57 degrees Fahrenheit). The sky was clear and blue, and we could see the ocean and Comox Glacier from the show home. In fact, the Comox Glacier in its shining glory can be seen from many of the available new lots for sale at The Ridge.
New custom homes are now under construction, and a new show home is available to view on Lot 18 at 3439 Stoneridge Avenue. Come take a tour of this beautiful piece of Vancouver Island real estate. Phase I of The Ridge includes 69 lots, and 17 lots have been sold or spoken for. The available lots for sale feature ocean and mountain views. For more information call Bruce at 250.650.8588 or email theridge.bruce@mail.com.
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