Your Weekly North Vancouver Island Construction News

August 14, 2024

In this week’s Editor’s Note:

  • Comox Valley: Union Bay Estates moving forward with a wastewater treatment plant.  
  • Comox: Tender for the design and construction of an estimated $53 million project at 19 Wing. 
  • Campbell River: Proposed new high density zones along Merecroft Road to 9th Ave.
The Comox Valley Regional District has issued a form and character Development Permit to facilitate the construction of a temporary wastewater treatment plant for the Union Bay Estates residential development project.

Comox Valley: Union Bay Estates moving forward with a wastewater treatment plant.  

A Development Permit application has been approved for a temporary wastewater treatment plant to service development of 24 acres on the east side of the island highway, just north of Union Bay. The plant will be built on the west side of the highway, between Washer Road and the railway. The proposed system includes 6 shipping container treatment modules, 8 exterior vertical insulated cylindrical tanks, and a control office. Portions of the 24 acres, referred to as Comprehensive Development Area 2, are already partially developed with paved roads connected to the island highway and underground infrastructure for residential development. Construction of the plant will begin once approved by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. Union Bay Estates covers 309 hectares (764 acres), and has the potential to create over 2800 dwelling units in the form of houses, secondary suites, carriage houses, townhouses, and apartments. The development also includes areas for commercial, institutional, recreational, and resort land uses.

Comox: Tender for the design and construction of an estimated $53 million project at 19 Wing. 

Defence Construction Canada is requesting Proposals from Design-Build Teams to design and construct the Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) – Infrastructure Air Maintenance Detachment at 19 Wing Comox, following a modified design-build approach. The project is estimated to cost in the range of $53 million with project completion expected for October 2029. This tender closes September 10.

Campbell River: Proposed new high density zones along Merecroft Road to 9th Ave.

City staff are working on creating the “Dogwood Corridor” with high density zones along Dogwood and South Dogwood Street from Merecroft Road to 9th Ave. As part of the funding conditions for the $10.4 million received from the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF), the City is required to implement seven key actions to facilitate the construction of 282 HAF funded new housing units over the next three years, while potentially permitting a total of 1,200 units over the same time period. Staff will be working with a land economist to bring forward two new zones that are specific to the Dogwood Corridor and provide density bonusing provisions to incentivize a variety of housing types (specifically non-market and purpose-built rentals) and mixed-use developments (that would include commercial, institutional and residential uses). As an additional incentive, staff may also be proposing parking reductions along the Dogwood Corridor. As part of the comprehensive update to the City’s OCP / Zoning Bylaw (slated to commence later this summer), staff will investigate additional corridors that may be suitable for similar transit-oriented development. For more details, view the staff recommendation to council at, and additional public information at

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