Your Weekly North Vancouver Island Construction News

September 11, 2024

In this week’s Editor’s Note:

  • Courtenay: BC Housing project, 132 beds and 70+ units
  • Comox: 3 buildings, 3 to 5 storeys high, approx. 228 units
  • Powell River: proposed tenders for the Recreation Complex
BC Housing is proceeding with a purpose-built shelter and supportive housing project in Courtenay. Both buildings are being designed with healing and privacy in mind, and intend to use natural building materials where possible. This artist’s conceptual drawing shows a two-storey, L-shaped building with wood and an indigenous-inspired mural.

Courtenay: BC Housing project, 132 beds and 70+ units

Council has given first through third reading to a rezoning application for a proposed purpose built shelter and supportive housing complex at 925 Braidwood. BC Housing intends to build a purpose built shelter with a maximum capacity of 132-beds; 70 units of supporting housing in a four-storey building; and an undetermined amount of future, non-market housing. The project will proceed in two phases, with the shelter and supportive housing buildings constructed concurrently in Phase 1. Pacific Swell has been confirmed as the Development Manager for the project, and has begun contacting contractors in preparation for construction quotes. BC Housing expects to issue a tender for operators of the shelter and supporting housing buildings by the end of the year, dependent on Rezoning approval. BC Housing intends to operate the shelter and supportive housing as separately-run facilities, with the potential for different operators. Building design and features such as fencing and separate access on Ryan Road for the shelter versus Braidwood for the supportive housing will reinforce the separation. Construction of the shelter is expected to take 13-15 months, and could begin in the spring of 2025. If rezoning is approved, the project will also require development and building permits.

Comox: 3 buildings, 3 to 5 storeys high, approx. 228 units

A zoning bylaw amendment application has been submitted to the Town of Comox to change the zoning from C3.1 Arterial Commercial Zone to Multi-Family Zone for two properties on Comox Avenue. The properties total 2.9 acres with access on Comox Avenue and Buena Vista Ave. The proposed project includes 3 apartment buildings, 3 to 5 storeys high, with approx. 228 apartments. Town staff are currently awaiting additional information before proceeding further with the application. Community Consultation for the project concluded in 2023.

Powell River: proposed tenders for the Recreation Complex

The City expects to issue two tenders this fall for rehabilitation of the Recreation Complex. The first is for the Aquatic Centre roof and the second is a design-build tender for electrical upgrades and emergency backup system. The City has been pursuing a rehabilitation plan for the recreation complex since 2020. In January of this year, the City requested proposals from Qualified Proponents to assess the existing condition and provide an estimate of remaining service life of the swimming pool at the Recreation Complex. Another study was completed in 2021 to assess the structural and building envelope components of the pool building. The report recommended the entire metal decking roof structure above the pool be replaced to effectively remediate or replace several structural members. The electrical upgrades are expected to include the main electrical panel, reconfiguration of the electrical infrastructure, and adding an emergency back-up generator system. BC Hydro is upgrading the Complex transformer and electrical services, required by this project. The City expects construction on both projects to be complete in the summer of 2025.

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