Your Weekly North Vancouver Island Construction News

October 9, 2024

In this week’s Editor’s Note:

  • Cumberland: proposed 180 units in two mixed use buildings
  • Strathcona Regional District: tender released for supply and installation over 1000 water meters
  • qathet Regional District: Lund Waterworks conversion cost doubles to potentially $22 million
This site maps shows the proposed layout for proposed residential-commercial development on Ulverston Avenue, including multi-residential buildings, parkland, nature trails and a townhouse development. A second public information meeting will be held before council considers first reading of the rezoning application.

Cumberland: proposed 180 units in two mixed use buildings

A revised rezoning application is under review for a mixed use project with 4 townhouses and approx. 180 units in two four storey apartment buildings with ground level commercial units and surface parking. As proposed, approx. 50% of the apartment units would be rent and 10% of those would be rented at below market rates. The commercial uses under the proposed new MU-2 zone would include daycare, fitness studio, office, personal service (e.g. hairdresser), professional service (e.g. bookkeeper), restaurant minor (less than 150 m2), and retail convenience (less than 300 m2). A new park would be dedicated to the Village along the south side of the property to protect a creek corridor, wetland, and mature trees. Within the park, the developer would construct a trail along the historic Wellington Colliery railway grade with connections to the Ravenwood Park trails and Carlisle Lane. A draft Zoning Amendment Bylaw has been referred to the Homelessness and Affordable Housing Committee, K’ómoks First Nation, and School District 71 for comment; and a second public information meeting will be held before Council considers first reading.

Strathcona Regional District: tender released for supply and installation over 1000 water meters

The Strathcona Regional District invites tenders for Northern Electoral Area D Water Local Service Area Universal Water Metering. This project is south of Campbell River towards Oyster Bay from Jubilee Parkway to Vaugh Road and includes (not limited to) the supply and installation of approximately 852 ‘smart’ radio read meters and replacement of approximately 162 touch read meters on existing meters. In July 2023, the District announced that the Province was investing $2.8 million for the metering project. The tender closes October 22.

qathet Regional District: Lund Waterworks conversion cost doubles to potentially $22 million

The qathet Regional District is seeking funding before proceeding with controlling the Lund Waterworks system. The qathet Regional District has passed a motion pausing conversion of the Lund Waterworks District to qRD control in response to a recent assessment of the Thulin Dam which may double the conversion cost to $22 million. The qRD has significant concerns regarding risks and potential financial costs in light of an audit of the dam by the Dam Safety Authority in July of this year. The audit found that the Lund Waterworks District (LWD) has not addressed deficiencies reported in a 2013 inspection. As a result, the Dam Safety Authority raised the Risk Level from “4 – Stable” to “1 – Alert”, meaning that immediate attention is required. The qRD was awarded a grant of up to $11,017,378 to upgrade the Lund water system in March of this year. However, the grant does not include funding for any significant upgrades, only less urgent dam safety issues. A staff analysis indicates significant financial risks in the way of fines and lawsuits if the dam fails. A review of a comparable site in Ladysmith also suggests the cost to remove and replace the dam would be in the amount of $5-10 million. Without a grant to support major repairs, rate payers could face an unaffordable tax burden. The motion directs staff to approach Municipal Affairs about grant funding, and to immediately apply to the Disaster Resilience Innovation Funding (DRIF) Program and any other grant opportunities for the repair/replacement of the dam. Staff will also approach Tla’amin Nation to inform them of the situation and discuss scenarios that could potentially involve partnering with them for the purpose of delivering potable water to Lund.

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